Thursday, October 29, 2009

What Dreams may come...

Lately I've been having some weird messed up dreams and some kinda cool ones too! Here is one of my dreams below, nothing was changed but the names of people involved. This one is a regular dream I have where the girl involved always changes to whoever I fancy in work. Oh and this isn't X Rated or anything, its very safe for work.

Have a read and let me know what you think!

It happened so fast, one minute I was heading to the loo and next thing you know, all hell breaks lose. I mean there must be about 20 to 30 guys out there and they’re all armed! How do I get myself into these situations? Actually, how can I get myself out of it too?

Thinking back, I was talking to Isabelle, trying to ask her out really but I fumbled my words as usual!

“So, uh, hows work today?” is what I started off with

“Oh, eet iz thee same, boreeng and long” was her reply to me, I was gonna try to make a funny out of her reply but when I said it in my head it sounded more vulgar than funny.

“Yeah, I know, its so repetitive. You look very pretty today” And at this point I started to get nervous, which is a recurring problem for me when I talk to girls most time. Seriously, put me in front of a lovely, gorgeous girl and I become a bumbling, muttering fool but put me in front of some danger, gangs, guns, and I can take them! I guarantee that if I had to go up against a gang of women I would lose, damn it, why do I have to be like this!

“Thank You, you really like eet?” Man she is so damn cute, ask her out you fool! “Shut up, I’m getting to th……er” Shit! I said that out loud didn’t I? She stares at me with a weird look on her face, yep, well done Max, you talked out loud to your inner thought. Smooth! “Erm, sorry, That’s not what I….well, its not….I didn’t mean you, I just meant, well I was talking to….” She cracked a smile, I think she knows that I like her; she’s just having some fun with me. Man that’s cruel; she’s just teasing me, typical! God I feel hot! “Man is it hot in here! I’m roasting!” Its hot, its very hot, I should ask them to put the air conditioning down or something, yeah that’s what I’ll do. “Max, eets cold, how can you be hotte when eet iz snowing outside” Oh right, I forgot about that, then why am I…..“Hey Isa, is my face all red? Cause I feel like I’m burning up here” She giggles slightly and nods her head. Ok so I embarrassed myself and that’s why I’m so hot now. I need to get some cold water, just splash my face and I should be ok. “Will you excuse me for a minute please? I’ll be right back” and so I made my way to the toilet and that’s how I’m at this point but come on, I wasn’t in there long! These guys have got to be some real pro’s to have gotten in so quick. What group are they from though? Their uniforms don’t have any insignia or symbols, they don’t seem to be carrying any type of guns, except for the big guy who I assume is their boss.

Ok, so they haven’t seen me yet, I can work this to my advantage, there’s a door in the toilet that leads to the roof, from there I can make it to the door at the other side and maybe get to a phone, call for help or something. I’ve just got to gently and slowly close this door so that they don’t hear it, otherwise I’ll give my location away.

“Where is he? I know he’s here, I know this is his stuff so where the fuck is he?” Ok, I gotta peep out and see this…… “If no one will tell me where he is, I am going to have to make an example out of one of you, starting with you!” Damn, he’s got Paul! Who the hell is he looking for? I can’t…………shit! That’s my desk! He’s looking for me! What the hell does he want with me? “Right, I am going to give you all to the count of five and if you don’t tell me where I can find him, your little friend here is getting a bullet right between the eyes” Fuck, no, gotta stop him! “1….” I need something…“..2..” Weapon weapon weapon! Damn it what can I use as a weapon!! “…3…” AHA! I grab the mop that’s leaning against the wall to my left and break it in half, I don’t need the bottom part, not yet anyway “…4….hehehe” *click* “fi…” I burst out through the door as he cocks the gun and launch the broken mop top at him. It feels like everything is going in slow motion. The mop top is heading straight for the gun; the big guy is slowly turning to see it as he is about to hit the trigger. Come on, come on, this feels like an eternity! “…ve..” *BANG*…..*SMASH* YES!!! Holy Crap, talk about last minute, I got the gun as he pulled the trigger; luckily the bullet hit the window shattering it. Ok, great plan, so I’ve saved Paul but uh… what? Didn’t think this through did you Max? “Shut up brain…” Oh man, there I go again talking to myself, sometimes I wonder if I’m a schizo or something! The big guy looks over to me, like he’s trying to size me up, his gang or team or whatever the hell they are just stand around me, blocking my way out. I have a feeling this is gonna turn nasty in some way so I decide to break the silence.

“I’m 5’ 2” and weigh 230lbs” I start walking towards the big guy. “I am a black belt 4th Dan in Tae Kwon Do, I have experience in Jiu Jitsu, I have done amateur wrestling, pro wrestling and also some MMA.” I decide to get a little cocky now. “I like sleeping in till late and my favourite restaurant is Nico’s, I love their veal, its delicious. Seriously, you should try it. I also like going for long drives when I have nothing better to do and I love going to the karaoke too” I can see the guys men from the corner of my eyes, they’re slowly walking towards me with each step I take towards their leader. I can also make out weapons on some of them, not guns though, Bo Staffs, Kumasi Staff, Dadao’s, shit! I misjudged this, but its ok, maybe I can talk my way out of this, I hope! “My name is……” He cuts me off “Maru! I know who you are!” Maru? How the hell does he know that name? I haven’t been called that in over 2000 years! Even hearing the name being called out now is strange, I try not to let it phase me but just hearing it has me stuck here with my mouth open in some sort of shock!

“I know who you are and what you are, I’ve had a close eye on you for the last 4 months. I know everything there to know about you. Where you live, what you do on your day off, who you really are” He folds his arms and looks down at me. I give him about 7’ maybe 7’ 3” This guy is huge! Ok so I’m confused, very confused, I don’t recognise him from anywhere or anytime for that matter, this isn’t someone who is easy to forget! “I don’t know who you are, what do you want from me?” yeah I’m slightly pissed off, and why shouldn’t I be? He just called me by my long forgotten name in front of everyone! My fists are clenched, I just want to punch him but not here, not now, too many people and someone innocent might get hurt!

“G sent me! He has hired my “expertise” to find you………and kill you!” G? That son of a bitch! I knew I should have killed him when I had the chance. Just thinking about him enrages me, I cant stand hearing his name even being said around me, it just makes my blood boil. “That slime ball too scared to come himself?” If I get out of this I am going to find him and this time I will kill him! “G just hired me! I don’t ask any questions apart from the name of my victim or victims. As long as I get paid I don’t give a shit about anything” Hired guns, smart move G. Looks like there’s no talking out of this one Max. “Ok, so how does this work? Do I just stand here and have you shoot me or do we fight or what?” My cockiness is coming back out now, gotta take this clown down but how? “Personally, it would be easy for me to just shoot you on the spot but chances are that you’ll move once I try so I’m just gonna get my men to grab you and take you somewhere to shoot you…….or maybe throw you out the window instead, we’re about….what…….46 storeys high?” Throw me out the window? “Actually we’re 63 storeys high but its ok, you don’t seem like the type of guy who did well in school” Oh yeah, go me! Ok maybe making fun of his intelligence wasn’t a good idea but I need him to throw me out of the window! “Humfh! Think you’re a smart ass do you? Forget the window, I want to beat the hell out of you and then shoot you” Oh Crap! Ohcrapohcrapohcrapohcrap He goes to punch me but I quickly dodge his fist and move to the left of him, I go to punch him back only for one of his men to kick me in the side, man that hurt! Right that does it, no more mister nice guy! I grab the guy who kicked me and throw him onto his friends, I turn to face their boss and just see him going for another punch as I do, I bend backwards, his fist going by me and missing, except for just grazing the top of my nose. I come back up and he tries to kick me but I side step him and walk into a punch by another of his gang. This isn’t good, I cant take him on when he has his team helping him! I have to take them all out. 2 of the men come at me at full speed, I run towards them, of course not much room in the office but as I get to them I clothesline them to the ground. They try to get up but I grab both their heads and knock them together, letting them fall crumpled on the ground! I turn to a guy with his Bo Staff. He’s twirling it round him grunting and making these moves that are normally reserved for people at Martial Arts Events showing off the moves, he goes to strike me over head, I roll back as the staff hits the carpeted floor. He lunges the staff at me, I dodge left and right and back as I walk towards one of the pillars, he goes to hit me from the side, taking a big swing, I wait till the very last minute, just one more second, I can just about feel the staff’s edge at my face when I duck down and have it hit the pillar, the aftershock travels up to the guy and he lets go of the staff but it’s a big mistake because I have it now! He’s shaking his hands and stops, he doesn’t see it coming as I whack him on the top of the head but not too hard, I don’t want to knock him out, I want him to see this next one. As he starts to get up I wait for him, he slowly raises his head and is now looking at me, I have the staff in my hands, in a fighting position, I smirk at him before lunging it into his face and breaking his nose. He screams in pain as he falls to the ground again. Yes, yes, this is what I like to see.

But no time to enjoy it, there are more of them. I try to defend myself from them, attacking them the odd time I see an opening. Their boss now is just standing there watching, he lets his men do all the work, probably so he can study me, looking for my weakness. He has a gun though, but my guess is he would rather fight that shoot. Better for me I suppose. So I’ve gotten rid of a few more of his men and I turn to face the next wave with the staff. These guys are ready…..crap, these guys are the one’s with the Dadao Swords. I raise the Bo Staff and go to swipe at them but the swipe back with their Dadao Swords cutting the staff. Not so bright Max, ok what to do, what to do! Less thinking and more dodging as one of the men tries to stab me and I move out of the way. Its like its 3 of them at a time making their moves, one goes to swipe from the left, as I dodge him, the other swipes from the right, dodge him too but there is the third guy who goes for my legs, I jump up avoiding him and as I do, I get swiped from the right again, I try to dodge but my arm gets a cut, thankfully not a deep or even dangerous cut but damn it, the cut is sore as hell. A guy goes to swipe at me again, as I move his gets the desk behind me, the sword is stuck in it, I take this chance to elbow him in the face and I grab his sword. The other 2 come at me and we have a duel going with me parrying their attacks and for some reason I cant help but think of Star Wars and the lightsaber fights, man I wish I had a lightsaber right now! As I’m defending myself from the ongoing attack I try to grab what I can from the desks around me to use as weapons, a spoon, some hot coffee, nice, that will burn his face but for each one I take down, there is another there to take his place. I starting to get exhausted but I cant let up, I will beat them, its almost finished now, it has to be, there cant be more of them left. Just as I am about to parry and strike back at the only person attacking me,

I catch something out of the corner of my eye, trying not to lose myself I just managed to parry him but he stopped and didn’t come back, at the same time I turned around to see their leader holding Isabelle up off the ground by her throat. He gave a slight chuckle as he looked at her and then back at me, I dropped the Dadao sword immediately, Damn it, I had forgotten about her and all the other people in the office. I was so focused on defending myself and killing these guys that I never thought about them, I could have accidentally hurt someone. “Let her go! She has nothing to do with any of this, its me your after so let her go” I didn’t want anything to happen to her, not because it was her but because I didn’t want anyone innocent to get hurt. “Like I said, I know everything about you, and I know how you feel about this pretty little flower here!” Oh yeah, I’d forgotten all about that, he must have been keeping a real close eye on me, it would make sense to grab her, after all, we spent most of our free time together at comedy shows or movies but not like a date, just as friends, he probably assumed we were dating, regardless, he had me right where he wanted me. “You see, I could let her go but what fun would that be? I would rather make you suffer slightly, its all the more fun that way, don’t you think?” That didn’t sound too good, he’s up to something, what does he want to do to her…….oh no! The Window!! Without even looking towards the broken window, he just threw like an unwanted doll or toy, straight through the opening. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” I sprinted across to the window, dodging the punches and kicks and the weapons, I dived out as if I was diving into a pool and I could hear the leader cursing me, he didn’t think I would jump out the window, I could hear him calling me a damn fool.

I could see Isabelle, her hands flailing wildly. I tried to manoeuvre myself in such a way that I would fall faster, I started gaining speed and somehow managed to catch up to Isabelle. As soon as I was near enough to her I grabbed her and held her close to me. “Don’t worry, I have you, everything is going to be ok” or maybe not, she was still screaming. “MAX, WE’RE BOTH GOING TO DIE” I looked into her eyes and smiled at her “Relax, everything is going to be ok” She had a look of disbelief in her eyes, who could blame her, I mean we are getting closer to the ground after all but I have my secrets, I closed my eyes tightly and at that moment the back of my shirt started to rip open at 2 points. A pair of black wings sprouted from those points, I suddenly opened my eyes and they were red, Isabelle had stopped screaming at that point and was probably in shock, I couldn’t tell, I didn’t really care, I wanted to get revenge! I swooshed up at the very last minute, just missing the ground and I flapped those evil looking black wings, flying back to the 63rd floor while carrying her in my arms. Once I reached the floor, I put Isabelle to the side and walked up to the leader, I could sense the fear in his men, his too but he stood his ground, a brave man. “I heard about this but I didn’t think it was true, your supposed to be an urban legend of some sort, your not supposed to be real” His fear was growing, I had a few tricks up my sleeves, tricks I could use to strike fear in anybody, my eyes started to glow a brighter red, I opened my mouth and showed him my teeth, the fangs slowly forming, I licked them with my tongue. His men had started to abandon him, he was left all alone with me to face and he didn’t want any of it anymore. I let out a loud roar, shattering the computer monitors and the windows around me, he tries to run but I punch him to the ground. Revenge, I want revenge for what he’s done to me, what he tried to do to Paul, to Isabelle, revenge for having to make me reveal my secret that I had hidden for so long. I grabbed him by his throat and lifted him up, I held him there while I punched him in the face, he was going to feel the pain he tried to cause me.

“Please stop, I’m sorry, I was jus doing what I was hired to do” I love hearing someone plead for mercy, its how I know that I’m in control. I walk over to the window and hold him over the edge. “What are you doing? Please don’t! Let me go! PLEASE! I’LL DO ANYTHING” Not so tough now are you? Yeah, your going to go splat, your going to get what you deserve you sick son of a bitch, he starts to struggle, trying to make me break my grasp on his throat. “You want me to let you go? Well then I’ll let you go” and watch you as you fall down 63 floors to your demise. “NO!” Huh, bastard’s gone all girly now, I must be holding him too tight. “Don’t do it Max!” Wait a second, that wasn’t him, I turn around to see Isabelle shaking her head “Don’t do it! He isn’t worth it Max, just let him go” She was right! Despite everything, he wasn’t the man I wanted revenge against, he wasn’t G! I turned around and threw him as hard as I could against the wall, I wasn’t going to kill him but I was going to hurt him. “Today you live! I want you to go back to G! Go back to him and tell him that I’m coming for him and this time, it ends!” I turn to Isabelle, look into her eyes, those beautiful blue eyes, that’s all I ever think about. “I’m sorry Isa……I have to leave” I let myself fall backwards out the window, she tries to grab me but she misses as I fall down, I flap my wings and fly off.

I can never be with the one I love, I lost her centuries ago and now that I finally find someone else, it falls apart, just like it had in the beginning, but at least she didn’t die. I am Maru, The Avenging Devil, cursed to live forever, finding a new, willing host for every 100 years, never to be who I really am, never to live a happy life. Never………Until I kill G!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sometimes I wonder if my colleague's in work don't like me! I don't think I have done anything wrong to any of them, I have always been very respectful with all of them, done them many favours but yet I sometimes get the feeling that they don't like me and they basically take advantage of my good nature.
We're a small team in a kind of large company and from my previous experience with working in different places, we like to go out for a few drinks on a Friday after work. Nothing too major, especially in these economic times, just go to the pub, have a drink and chat, just for a laugh. You don't necessarily have to have an alcoholic beverage to have fun, there is so much to choose from.

But this team isn't like that, well, hasn't been like that in the last 3 odd years. I find myself socialising whenever possible with other teams in the company because my team don't do anything or go anywhere. I have tried to organise different events in the pass such as bowling or go-carting or just a meet up and despite people saying yes it always ends with just myself and no one else, sometimes 1 other person shows up though but that's it.
Every year for my Birthday I have a party and I always send out an email well in advance so people know and can either make plans to be able to attend it or let me know that they cant. This year only 6 people showed up for the party after I had booked a venue for 40 people, 1 person unfortunately wasn't feeling well and she only dropped by to wish me a Happy Birthday so technically 5 people were there but, hey, at least some people showed up!
Now normally I couldn't care less about this, I still had a great night with my sister and her friends, we sometimes celebrate around the same time as our Birthdays are 4 days apart! So I went my usual way the next few days in work, not really caring about it when I turned around and noticed that one of the guys behind me had his desk all decorated with balloons and flyer's as it was his birthday. He wasn't in work until the next day so it was pretty much going to be a surprise for him and all I could think of was "Those f**king bastards did nothing for me and I've been here longer than most of these guys" OK so I was slightly annoyed and I did try to let it go, honestly I did but fast forward 2 months later and I am being asked by a colleague if I want to put some money towards getting 1 of the girls a Birthday card and something else! My answer was a polite "NO" Why would I want to do that when no one did anything for mine? I'm normally the first guy to start any collections for Birthdays, no one did anything for mine so I quit!

Now its not just the Birthday thing that's annoying me. In the past I have tried to organise some nights out which no one has come to and I pretty much have given up doing that as its always a yes from everyone but then nobody shows up! Working on a night shift I have very little interaction with anyone on the day shift unless they are doing a late shift or over time. Its normally myself and another guy in the building and we get along great. We have the same sense of humour and he is like my main guy to go to when I have some questions that require experienced people! The other interaction we get is emails from our Team Leader to keep us up to date on new ads for the job or emails from colleges just asking how we are and so on! He asked me today if I was going to the Halloween party that one of the girls is organising, I told him I didn't know of any party and he said it was in the email she sent out, an email I never got because I wasn't invited. This upsets me more than annoys me because I thought myself and this girl got along fine! Not the sort of "fine" that we could date and so on but the sort that you just got along very well and were good friends. He showed me the email and I noticed that she only sent it to others she liked/got on with so the way I see it, we don't get along and we're not fine.

So, being with the company close to 7 years, I have decided not to organise any more nights out, not to celebrate my birthday with workmates, not to trust some people and that for my 30th next year, I am going to Vegas!
I think my next blog will be about my religion.
Take care